prof Nazan Kucukkeles
June 8, 2024
• Class III malocclusion
• Etiology
• Characteristics of class III malocclusion
• How Class III cases develop
• Goals of early intervention
• Guidelines for selecting cases for early treatment
• Treatment of a retracted jaw with a face mask
• Indications for the use of a face mask
• Protocol and principles of use facemask
• Rapid maxillary expansion with a facemask
• Surgically assisted maxillary advancement
• Extraoral treatment with a facemask
• Intraoral treatment with skeletal anchorage and Class III elastics
• Case presentation
• Retention protocols
• Long-term results
• Treatment of borderline Class III malocclusions with a fixed SARME mechanics and class III elastic tractions
• Correction of class III by distalization of the lower arch using miniscrews inserted on the vestibular side
She graduated in dentistry from the University of Istanbul in 1982. Her professional career is associated with Marmara University:
Doctorate: Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics 1984-1989.
Associate Professor: Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics 1995.
Professor: Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics 2001. He is a member of many orthodontic societies: Turkish Orthodontic Association, European Orthodontic Circle, World Federation of Orthodontists, American Association of Orthodontists.
Her experience includes many different positions and activities, including: she was vice-dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, member of the Ethics Council, Coordinator of the Socrates Program at Marmara University, Head of the Department of Orthodontics. Additionally, in the years 2004-2009 she was the editor-in-chief of “Turkish Orthodontic Journal”. Her main scientific interests include preparing patients for surgery, treatment of class II and III defects, microimplants in orthodontics and lingual technique. She has published approximately 60 articles in local and international journals. She has given over 90 presentations at national and international congresses.
She has conducted a number of lectures and training sessions around the world. She also lectured several times in Poland, and in 2017 she was a guest at the 20th PTO Congress in Łódź with a post-convention course “Treatment of class III defects in growing and adult patients”.
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